There are different kinds of outdoor decorative items that could elevate the nature of your garden or front porch. Most people are using the pretty string lights to ornament their front porch. But if you want something different, you should pick something else than just a regular string lights. Solar power outdoor lighting seems to be the trend in decoration world. Not only they are pretty, they are also saving you from big budget from electrical bill. And to make your outdoor decorative even more attractive, a wind chime outdoor lighting from Gardman will make your garden even more interesting.

Sound and lights
Wind chime solar power outdoor lighting from Gardman is definitely a unique decorative item that is different than your usual outdoor lighting. As you might have guessed, the lighting is in the form of wind chime. Thus, not only it will give you a pretty bright light at night, it will also deliver a peaceful chiming sound just like the regular wind chime. And Gardman wind chime lighting is powered through solar who mean that it gets its power not from electricity but sun. You will need to charge it during the day when it is bright, and let it light up at night by itself.

Beautiful Design
Not only it is such an interesting solar power outdoor lighting in terms of the concept, it also has a really breathtaking design. The design itself is created in the form of a globe with four different tubes which functions as the chimes. And the globe itself is capable of switching its colors every minute when being switched on. The size is perfect because it is not too big or small. The average heights reach around seventy six cm while the average diameter of the globe is around twelve cm.
Inexpensive Wind chime
This wind chime slash solar power outdoor lighting is sold online by Gardman through If you purchase them via Amazon, it will only cost you slightly over nine pounds. And as usual, they will serve you with a free shipping service if you order these lights for an over twenty pounds equivalent of the product. Not only you can use it yourself to decorate your house or garage, you can even give it to somebody else as a present. With plenty of stock, you don’t have to worry about running out of items through the site of Amazon.