Plant cells are similar to animal cells in being eukaryotic and they have similar organelles. They are cells with membrane tied nucleus called eukaryotic cells. Generally, plant cells are mostly similar in cell structure and function answers and are bigger than animal cells and are dice or rectangular shaped.
Cell Structure And Function Answers Cell Wall
There is a stiff cell wall surrounding plant cells unlike that of animals. The cell wall is a distinguishing feature to cells of plants formed primarily from cellulose. There are three layers in plant cell wall located outside the cell membrane, the primary, secondary and the central lamella. The wall has more strength, stiffness, fortification against reflex stress and contagion. Cellulose, glycoproteins, pectins, lignin and hemicellulose is substances that form cell wall.
Cell membrane
Cell membrane surrounds the organelles and the cytoplasm of the cells as the outer cover of the cell. It is located within the plants cells wall. There is only specific substances can go pass through the cell membrane as it is semi permeable.
Chloroplast contains chlorophyll as organelle shapes in is disc or lengthened. There are two membranes in it with heap of coins structures. There is chemical chlorophyll in it with its compressed structures. This area of the plant cell structure and function answers is the place for the process of photosynthesis. The green pigment chlorophyll creates chemical energy by absorbs energy from sunlight by converting light energy to make food.
Micro-filament and micro-tubule form to make cytoskeleton as a network of fibers. These cell structure and function answers provide support to the cell and keep the shape.
The cytoplasm of the cells contain hollow cylinder like structures called microtubules. Carrying and structural support is its main function.
It is firm bar like structures with structural support for its primary function.

Plasmodesmata are minuscule networks which pass through the cell walls of plant cells and allows for communication and transport connecting them.
It is a large storage center for cell. Vacuole is large membrane tied cavity in plant cells located in the cytoplasm of many plant cells. These cell structure and function answers are bound to membrane that functions for excretion, secretion, and storage.
It is plastid functioning for storage and pigment production available in colored parts of plants like flowers and fruits. Photosynthetic eukaryotic variety has this organelle.
Golgi Complex
The Golgi bodies are located next to the nucleus that seems similar to the endoplasmic reticulum. Nearly all eukaryotic cells have it. Macromolecules produced from other parts of the cell structure and function answers is processed and packaged by this organelle.