
Blood Pests of the Earth: All You Need to Know

Fleas are some of the worst pests to encounter in your home. They’re so small and nimble that they are difficult to detect within the environment. They don’t have wings but can jump as high as 8 inches (20.32 centimeters). Their bites are very itchy (both for us and our animal companions), which can develop

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Gardener’s Delight: Making Your House Plants Grow Healthier

The population of gardeners is growing in the US. However, many experts believe that this is from the pandemic, forcing many people to stay behind their homes. In comparison, some explain that this particular hobby has always been on top of the list. Regardless of the reason, gardening is meant for everybody, even for those

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Tiki Torches: Lighting up, Adding Flair to Your Outdoor Space

DISCLOSURE: This post contains affiliate links, so The Greatest Garden earns from qualifying purchases. When you click on an affiliate link, we may earn a commission on your purchase.   Every garden needs the right mix of accessories to enhance its form and function. It doesn’t matter if your yard is tiny or massive. So

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Breathe Your Greens: Stress Relieving Indoor Plants

Having a house plant is probably one of the hottest trends amongst millennials and other young people today, with social media becoming chock-full of people posting photos of their jungle-esque collection of aloes and ivy’s adorning their studio apartments. As far as trends go, it’s probably one of the greenest, cheapest, most sustainable, and healthiest:

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The Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

Adopting a cat from a shelter can cost up to a few hundred dollars, but it can go as low as $15 depending on factors like the cat’s age, behavior, and medical condition. While I’ve always believed in adopting cats in need over buying from breeders, some people prefer a certain breed and have the

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Understanding the Benefits of Residential Solar Energy

Solar energy comes from the radiation of the sun, which can be converted to electricity and heat to power our homes. If you’re thinking of getting a solar energy system, you need to learn more about it. High-quality residential solar energy systems in Utah and other states are trending amongst homeowners because of the many

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Gardening Projects You Shouldn’t D-I-Y

A garden serves as a site of tranquility to an otherwise busy home. It’s where you can have your afternoon tea during the summer season, the first one to welcome you home after a long time of being away, the place where intimate conversations transpire at night. That piece of greenery is your slice of

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Am I Legally Allowed to Cut a Tree?

With the Amazon rainforest burning down, it’s hard to think about cutting any more trees that supply the oxygen we breathe. It seems that we don’t have enough of them with the “lungs of the earth” gradually dying in front of our very eyes. Cutting down a nuisance tree in your backyard has to be

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A Guide for Making Mulch at Home

Mulching is an effective way to conserve moisture in the soil and improve the growth of roots to prevent erosion in your garden. If you are in Utah, there are stores dedicated to selling landscaping and gardening supplies. However, you can also make them right at the comfort of your home. It is very easy

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