Animal Cell Under Light Microscope Observation

Animal Cell Under Light Microscope Observation

Observing a wide range of biological processes and animal cell under light microscope is easier due to advances in microscopic techniques. We use microscope comprehensively in microbiology, mineralogy, cell biology, biotechnology, nano physics, microelectronics, pharmacology, and forensics. While observing with tissues or on tissue fragments or free cells in smear tests, medical diagnosis particularly requires the use of microscope.

Animal Cell Under Light Microscope: About Cell

A cell is the smallest functional and structural entity of life that it is easier observing animal cell under light microscope. There are one or more cells that form organism. There are two categories of cells, Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic. Eukaryotic is most complex cells consisting a true nucleus enclosed by a membrane. The eukaryotic name is taken from Greek due to the presence of this nucleus. There are a range of organelles or cellular bodies in Eukaryotic cells that functions in the cellular activities and metabolic functions. Eukaryotic cells contain organelles that are attached to membrane including endoplasmic reticulum, ribosome, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and more. Organelles that are attached to membrane and a true nucleus are not present in prokaryotic cells.

Animal Cell Under Light Microscope: General Microscope Handling Instructions

Hold with one hand under the base and other hand on the C-shaped arm to bring the microscope. Do not sway the microscope while moving. Direct light should not fall on the microscope. When storing, use a plastic cover to cover the microscope. Avoid adjusting the crude screw while using oil immersion objective. Use lens paper or soft cotton cloth to wipe clean oil immersion objective after observing animal cell under light microscope. Do not let oil make contact with dry objective. Use lens paper to clean the lenses at the end of every experiment. If you replace the microscope after use, lock the 4x objective or scanning objective in place in the rotating nose part, center the stage and role objectives away from the stage. Turn the pillar / arm of the microscope to the opening of the cabin if you replace the microscope in the cabin.

Microscope is an ocular device that produces magnified imagery that is too tiny to be seen by naked eye using lens or mixture of lens. Magnifying is the purpose of a microscope and thus used observe a thing or organisms which are too tiny to see with unaided eye. The microscopy was first invented by a Holland fabric merchant, Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, and he is called as Father of microscopy. To be familiar with how a light microscope works, understanding the technique in which the lenses curve and light focusing is necessary. Different magnification on additional lenses with the objective lens enlarge the magnified image such as observing animal cell under light microscope using compound microscopes just like most modern microscopes these days.

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