Maintaining Your Lawn when Living with Pets

a dog being petted

Maintaining Your Lawn when Living with Pets

Write a brief for an article about how to maintain your lawn when you have pets. Pets can be great additions to any home, but they can also wreak havoc on your lawn. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to keep your lawn looking good — and keep your pets happy and healthy.

1. Keep your lawn trimmed short

Long grass can be harmful to both pets and pet lawns, as it can lead to an increased number of ticks and fleas. Ticks and fleas usually breed in long grass, especially tall grass near wooded areas. If you keep your grass trimmed, you can get rid of a lot of them. Not only that, but short grass is easier for you to take care of and maintain. If you do find ticks and fleas on your pets, it is best to remove them immediately. Lawn treatment for fleas and ticks can be found at home improvement stores.

2. Use fertilizers that are pet-friendly

Pet-friendly fertilizers can be found in most home improvement stores. They are specifically made to use on lawns with pets and contain little to no chemicals that can harm your furry friends. If you do not use these fertilizers, then it is important that you keep your pets away from the lawn for a few days following treatment to avoid ingestion of fertilizer or grass that has been treated without pet-safe chemicals.

3. Maintain trees in your yard

Pets can be harmed by falling branches if your trees are not well-maintained. If you have pets, you should make sure that any trees in your yard are regularly trimmed and inspected by a professional arborist for proper maintenance to prevent injury or death due to falling limbs.

4. Put up a fence

Many pets love to run around outside and play, but they can sometimes get into areas their owners do not want them to be. If you know that your pet could potentially dig under the fence, build a new barrier around your yard or replace any broken portion of your fence to prevent escape and access for other animals (such as predators) into your yard.

5. Keep your leaves raked

leaves and rake

Leaves are a big problem for pets — your dog (or even cat!) might eat them or run through them, getting dirt and other potentially dangerous substances on their fur. Rake your leaves regularly to help prevent ingestion.

6. Keep your pets healthy

Healthy pets are happy pets, regardless of whether or not they have access to a perfect lawn. Make sure they are up-to-date on all vaccinations, heartworm medication, flea treatment, etc. All pet medical treatments can be found at most veterinary offices.

7. Remove pet waste regularly

Pet waste can easily kill your grass. In addition to that, it can also cause illness for both humans and pets if it is not removed regularly. Flush any pet waste as soon as you pick it up to avoid the risk of any bacteria from the feces spreading.

8. Plant a pet-friendly lawn

You cannot always stop your pet from entering your yard and playing and running around. But you can make it more enjoyable for both of you by creating a pet-friendly lawn that is safe for them to play on. This kind of lawn or garden should contain plants that do not pose any risk of toxic ingestion or injury to your pet.

9. Put away everything you used for yard work

You should always put away all tools and other things you use for yard work as soon as you are finished with them. This includes fertilizer, pesticides, weed killers, etc. All of these products pose a risk to your pets if ingested or accumulated on their fur from being near them while they are out in the yard. Other tools with pointy or sharp edges should also be stored away to avoid injury.

10. Try a water sprinkler system

Water sprinkler systems are a great way to keep your pets hydrated as well as enjoyable for them. You can set up multiple hoses or sprinklers across your yard and let your pets play around in the streams of water for 15-20 minutes per day. This helps to ensure that they get enough water throughout the day, which is essential for pet health.

11. Use stones or mulches for walkways

If you have pets, you should avoid using gravel or other materials for your walkway because they can be potentially harmful if your pet ingests them. Stones or mulches can be a great way to create unique walkways that are also pet-friendly!

Maintaining a lawn when living with pets can be a challenge, but it is not impossible. By following these tips, you can help to ensure that both your pet and your lawn are safe and happy. Remember to use caution when using any chemicals or tools in your yard – even if they are meant for pets – as ingestion could cause serious harm. And finally, have fun with your furry friend while spending time outside!

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