Saying Yes to the Planet: Ways to Improve Commercial Greenhouses


Saying Yes to the Planet: Ways to Improve Commercial Greenhouses

Greenhouses play an important role in the agricultural industry. They allow farmers to grow crops year-round, which helps with food security. Additionally, greenhouses help create jobs and boost the economy.

But like all good things, not all greenhouses are good for the environment. Some produce higher carbon emissions, which can contribute to climate change. Here, we will focus on commercial greenhouses and how they can be improved in favor of the environment.

How Does a Commercial Greenhouse Work?

A typical greenhouse has three main components: glazing, framing, and a base.  The glazing is the clear material that makes up the walls and roof of the greenhouse. It can be made out of glass, plastic, or fiberglass. The framing is the support structure for the glazing and can be made out of wood, aluminum, or steel. The base can be made out of concrete, wood, or asphalt.

A greenhouse traps heat from the sun inside the structure. This is done by the glazing material which allows sunlight in, but does not allow heat to escape.

The trapped heat then warms the air inside the greenhouse causing the temperature to rise. This rise in temperature is what allows plants to grow inside a greenhouse even during winter months when it is cold outside.

Different Types of Greenhouses

There are many different types of greenhouses, each with their own set of benefits and drawbacks.

an empty polycarbonate greenhouse

A plastic film greenhouse is the least expensive to build and is typically used for smaller operations. The main disadvantage of this type of greenhouse is that it does not last as long as other types of greenhouses.

A rigid panel greenhouse is more expensive to build, but it lasts longer than a plastic film greenhouse. The main disadvantage of this type of greenhouse is that it does not allow for as much light to enter as other types of greenhouses.

Another type of greenhouse is the glass greenhouse. This type of greenhouse is the most expensive to build, but it lasts the longest and allows for the most light to enter.

Improving Commercial Greenhouses

Commercial greenhouses use a lot of energy to keep the plants inside warm, and that energy isn’t always efficient. In fact, a lot of it is wasted, which can be costly for businesses. Additionally, many greenhouses rely on natural light to help grow the plants, so when the sun isn’t shining they need to use artificial light, which uses even more energy. Thankfully, there are ways to make commercial greenhouses more energy efficient.

Using Renewable energy

One way make commercial greenhouses more environmentally friendly is to use renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuels. Solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal energy are all renewable sources that can be used to power commercial greenhouses.

Solar power is a great way to make your greenhouse more energy efficient. Solar panels can be used to heat the air inside the greenhouse. The sun’s rays can help in growing the plants.

With the help of an energy procurement company,  you can get solar panels for your greenhouse. This is a great way to reduce the amount of energy you use, and it’s also good for the environment.

Installing Insulation

Another way to make your commercial greenhouse more energy efficient is to install insulation. This will help keep the heat inside the greenhouse and prevent it from escaping. Good insulation will also help keep the noise level down.

Using Energy-efficient Lighting

Energy-efficient lighting is another great way to make your commercial greenhouse more energy efficient. LED lights are a great option because they use less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. You can also use solar energy to power the lights in the greenhouse.

Invest in Regular Maintenance

It’s important to invest in regular maintenance for your commercial greenhouse. This will help ensure that the equipment is running properly and that there are no leaks. Regular maintenance will also help extend the life of your greenhouse.

Why Is It Important to Have an Energy-efficient Greenhouse?

It’s important to have an energy-efficient greenhouse because it will save you money on your energy bill. It’s also good for the environment because it will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, an energy-efficient greenhouse will be more comfortable for the plants and the people who work in it.

Businesses are also required to reduce their carbon footprint. Failure to do so can result in penalties. Therefore, it’s in a business’s best interest to make its greenhouse as energy-efficient as possible.

Commercial greenhouses can be improved in favor of the environment by using renewable energy sources, installing insulation, and using energy-efficient lighting. Additionally, it is important to invest in regular maintenance to ensure that the greenhouse is running properly and efficiently. By making these small changes, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and help preserve our planet.

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